GeoNotes Blog

Notes for myself and others
  • Handy database documenter/profiler for mysql, cont.

    By John C. Zastrow
    Some time ago I wrote down a little script to make a table from the MySQL information schema to describe your database. My eventual goal is to come close to reproducing a poor man’s database profiling script similar to this crude one (, but perhaps less powerful and yet... [Read More]
  • Wish I didn’t invest in the iPad2

    By John C. Zastrow
    After much deliberation we plunked down the plastic for an iPad2. It was supposed to be a gift for me.. though I likely use it the least of all people over the age of 2 in this house. It shipped much faster than expected and just in time for the... [Read More]
  • USGS GNIS column names and shapefiles

    By John C. Zastrow
    If you try to convert the USGS geographic names (GNIS) text files from the website straight into shapefiles, you will have field name collisions because the field names willbe truncated to 10 characters which result in duplicate field names. [Read More]
  • find to copy files into single directory

    By John C. Zastrow
    Useful little one liners. This one makes copy of subset of dir/ and below based on finding files that match the criteria. In this case, I wanted all .doc files copied into a single place. [Read More]
  • My MySQL latest config file

    By John C. Zastrow
    I never record this stuff and I always wish I did. So here’s a working MySQL config file that I’m using on a linux virtual machine with 2GB of memory. Notes and all so I don’t keep having to look stuff up. [Read More]
  • File listing ditties

    By John C. Zastrow
    Here are some simple bash scripts to list files into a text files that can be used to catalog stuff. Most of the time I use the last one. ```bash [Read More]