Our town motto is, “Young in spirit. Ageless in pride.” While I’m not sure about the first part, I am sure about second.
Below are words that come to my mind when I think of Youngstown, though I’m sure other people would have different words to describe this place. I have added and discarded probably about 50 words, and these are the ones that remain for me. Words left out are just as important.
The Words
Home, Historic, Family, Roots, Simple, Community, Open, Closed, Safe, Basic, Practical, Stable, Timeless, Proud, Storied, Tranquil, Calming, Stoic, Nurturing, Sheltering, Blessed, Native, Blue-collar, Agriculture, Industry, Water, Clay, Sun, Clouds, Sail boats, Soccer, Fishing, Shrunken, Insular, Island, Stuck, Dependent, Independent, Patina of history,

- More info about the town
- River Webcam
- Lake Ontario and Old Fort Niagara Web cam