Here is a
Here is a script (below) you can use to copy dump files between machines using scp from an automated script. Please see attached. The script usage is as follows:./ local_file user@host:remote_folder user_password
or./ user@host:remote_file local_folder user_password
Example: **./ dump.dmp [oracle@hostname:/U01/oracle]( "") <oracle password>**and here is the script
#!/usr/bin/expect -f</p>
<p># connect via scp<br />spawn scp "[lindex $argv 0]" "[lindex $argv 1]" <br />#############################################<br />expect {<br />-re ".*es.*o.*" {<br />exp_send "yes\r"<br />exp_continue<br />}<br />-re ".*sword.*" {<br />exp_send "[lindex $argv 2]\r"<br />}<br />}<br />interact<br />